Sunday, August 28, 2011

Body Wash and the "Complexities" of Life, I spent nearly twenty minutes or so deciding on a body wash.  That's right, body wash.  What's interesting is that I wasn't the only one.  A handful of folks (mainly women) slowed their pace sniffing, poking, testing...all to find the right body wash.  I mean, how could one choose?  With dozens of brands and even more selections of scents among each brand, how could I find that perfect bottle with the perfect scent that would incite visions of an English garden, or satin sheets, or a Caribbean sunset with each squirt and lather...and all for under five bucks? :/

Wait a minute, I thought.  I'm not trying to smell like a tropical dessert here.  I just wanna be CLEAN, for Pete's sake!  Then, I shook myself, grabbed a refreshing bottle of Zest for $2.97, and off I was to complete my grocery list and get the heck out of there.       

I may be reaching here, but when did taking a shower become so complicated?  When did toiletry shopping become such a treasure hunt?   And why?  All that stands before you on the shelves is a smorgasboard of the same carbon-copied goop packaged into a variety of colorful containers designed to make you spend an unreasonable average of $5 a bottle or more so that you can feel like you're in paradise for 5-15 minutes a day.  Or for the men, the right body wash will be the difference between a chick-less loser and a ladies' man...seriously? 

Let's get real.  Body wash can't cure depression, and Old Spice still stinks on a jerk.

In the meantime, I want to live a complex life, uncomplicated.  A life where I spend more of my time to indulge in the wonders and beauty of Life and God's creation, and less on being sucked into capitalistic mind games...

Here's to being "Zestfully clean"!

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